Wednesday, June 19, 2013

press start to continue

Welcome to my new blog!
Here is a picture of us at the Muse concert at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta! That's me, with my future hubby and my 9 year old son. (The little guy obviously isn't thrilled with being out past his bedtime) I was in the process of migrating my old blog to this one, but I'm starting to think I will just start fresh here. A little about me: I am currently working on becoming a Holistic Health Practitioner with my CN (Clinical Nutrition) and CMH (Clinical Master Herbology). In the meantime, I live in lovely Johns Creek, GA with the aforementioned fiance, son, and our 2 dogs. We adopted a paleo lifestyle after doing the Whole30 challenge. Almost all of our "uncurable" and "chronic" health issues disappeared within a few months of strict paleo eating, and we all feel so good, there's no going back! My current pet project is going completely chemical free in my house. So far, making my own products has turned out to be surprisingly fun, and WAAY cheap! I will post the successes and failures, and I"m always open to new suggestions or tips!